Sunday 8 March 2015

Constitutional Pains

It has been a long few days, dear subjects of the Kingdom of Pooba. Your humble king has been hard at work heading up the drafting of our first ever constitution. In taking on this mammoth task, I have enlisted the support of some of the finest minds from Pooba Prime: men and women of intellect, and canines full of enthusiasm. But a long road lies ahead of us.

However, your royal highness thought it fit to update you of certain plans on the road ahead:

1. This constitution points towards the road to greater democracy for Pooba
Yes, there was initially the opportunity to rule by autocratic might. However, this would never help Pooba's interests in the future. A partnership between the royal house and the people is needed in the hope that more subjects/citizens/friends/comrades will join us.

2. Elections are imminent!
The first General Election is pencilled in for 1st April 2015 (yes, April Fool's Day - how very fitting). As head of state for this country I will not simply step aside and let others do the talking, as other monarchs might do (I'm looking at you, Liz II). As such, a Royalist Party is in the works. Of course, Pooba is open for any party of any persuasion. Which leads me onto the next point...

3. Freedom is guaranteed
Political and personal freedoms will be defended under the constitution. A poobian will be provided a high number of "rights".

4. There is no official religion
Following on from my former point, religious freedom is also guaranteed. As a madcap ruler, however, I can make no promises that I will not - at some later date - create my own cult, erm...religion, I mean.

5. The finality of a constitution will not end the progress of our nation
There are plenty of schemes and plans on the road ahead, as well as new laws to draft and create. This constitution is not a final stopping point, but rather the springboard for greater success.

Anyhow, dear subjects, I must return to the royal chamber to read over the latest draft of the article regarding egg and spoon races. This one promises to be a tricky one, best put the coffee on.

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